
Akanden warriors

Akataba(Ah-Ka-ta-ba) is the name for the warriors that protect Akanda they are the keystone of Akanden culture and all the cultural customs come from the Akataba.The Akatako(Ah-ka-ta-k-oh) which translates to "the way of the warrior" directly effects Akanden life from a simple hello to how furniture is arranged in a house. The main goal of an Akataba is to protect Akanda and will use a range of strategies to insure its protection.


Honor or as its said in Akanden Paka(P-Ah-K-Ah) is the second most important thing to a Akataba the first being Akanda itself because of this most cultural customs have a direct effect of preserving gaining or losing your honor


Loyalty is thought to be the most important trait of a Akataba and friendship in Akanda is very strong if you are friends with an Akataba never betray them because that's the worst thing you can do to a friend


There are three different types of love in Akanda


Love for your family is very strong but can accidently cause more hurt than good


Love for your friends is the most simple from of love it can be boiled down to companionship and empathy

3.Siginficant other

Love for a significant other is the strongest and most complicated from of love it is believed in Akanda that any two people can share this form of love no matter there race, gender, ethnicity, or beliefs. The most honor-less thing you can do is violate this type of love

What colors represent in Akanda


Red represents victory or pride and love


White represents purity and peace


Yellow represents honor and wealth/prosperity


Blue represents intelligence and loyalty


Orange represents happiness and beauty


Green represents truth and life