About Us

Oral health of Indian’s lag behind most nations, including many developing nations. Dentistry is a highly specialized and intricate medical profession, where Dentist work on very small surfaces to try and repair micro decay. We as consumers or normal “non-dentist” citizens, often have no idea of how difficult it is to go in and repair a tooth that is about 2 cm in size. We often don’t realize that Dentistry involved saliva and blood and therefore Sterilization and Hygiene are of utmost important. Moreover, when working on such small surfaces, technology plays a critical role and over the last ten years new technology has enabled dentist across the globe to deliver highly innovative dental solutions to patients.

A.K smile zone dental care represent new standards in Dental Care; standards that emphasize quality, convenience and transparency. We are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology, and set the highest thresholds for hygiene, clinic safety, transparency, ethics, and customer service.We guarantee that each instrument and surface that comes in contact with patients is thoroughly sterilized prior to the next patient’s consult.

"Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about"

Marilyn Monroe