
AJM offers the following services :

Websites / Web-apps development

AJT develops website and web-application of all kinds including e-commerce sites using cutting-edge robust technologies in the web development business. Web-applications developed by AJT offers clients intuitive user interface experience and high-security level, when need be.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Mobile app development

AJT develop mobile applications in native android and iOS format guaranteed to perform much faster and efficient. You are assured to get mobile application with simple but beautiful user interface. We employ a highly reliable state of the art technologies in the development of our mobile application that runs freely on the two dominant mobile platforms in the world.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

GIS & Geo-spatial analysis

AJT provides data-driven GIS service for organisations and individuals in a diverse field of endeavour. We offer consultancy on geospatial data collection, management and analysis. We present geocoded-data as advanced pictorial evidence for informed decision-making. We do this for fields such as Health Care Service delivery, Market Surveys, Business Performance, Local Government, among others.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Quantitative analysis

We are highly efficient in delivering our expertise in quantitative data analysis in areas such as baseline surveys, project evaluations and academic thesis statistics mentorship and support for both under and graduate students alike.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Development of advanced Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) apps

The advent of CAPIs has been immensely beneficial to researchers, other individual and organisations who deal with the collection of field-level data for processing and further analysis. CAPIs such Kobo Collect, OKD, Survey CTO and many others have been in the system for quite some time now. At AJT, we programme much more advanced CAPIs for sophisticated field data enumeration with a guaranteed high level of data quality

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Data analysis training for Individuals, groups or organisations

AJM has skilled and seasoned experts in Data Science who tutor individuals, groups or organisations on the use of Statistical software packaged such as Stata, SPSS, R, SAS, Minitab, and JASP at very flexible terms and rates. Click here to subscribe to any of our tutorials. A data analyst from AJT is currently offering a free introductory tutorial on using R for statistical analysis on the Ghana R-User Group WhatsApp platform. Call 0559466366 to join the platform.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Sale and Supplies (of New and Used laptops and accessories)

AJT also deals in the sale and supplies of brand new and very slightly used laptop and their accessories. If you need a highly reliable slightly used or brand new laptop of any specification or brand, AJT is your point of call. Here is a look at our new arrivals of slightly used (almost new) laptops.

For further information kindly contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.

Construction and installation of bio-fill bio-digester sewer systems

As a candid contribution towards the attainment of a sustainable environment as targeted by the SDGs, AJT is seriously promoting and advocating for the use of improved sewer systems in our homes. In line with this AJT deals with the construction and installation of bio-fill bio-digester sewer (toilet) systems for homeowners and cooperate bodies at very affordable rates. Bio-digester sewer systems have been proven to be very friendly to the environment. The system does not require occasional or frequent disgorgement of faecal matter from the pit. It's odourless and does not contaminate ground-water. More importantly, it is far relatively cheaper to construct than a normal septic tank.

For more information contact AJT on 0241509312 / 0249510676 / 0202456409 or fill a contact form on the contact page of this website.