Poster Prize

In 2023, this event will happen on the 27th and 28th of June.

The Poster Prize Competition is an annual event where the young researchers of the Paris Brain Institute present a scientific poster in front of a panel of experts both from inside and outside of the Institute.  The winners of the competition are rewarded with a travel grant for a scientific conference.

Usually, we collaborate with the Scientific and Medical Affairs Office of the Paris Brain Institute and include our competition in the Editor's day to have editors of renowned scientific journals as part of the jury too.

Previous edition winners

PhD Student (year 1 & 2)


Vidailhet - Lehéricy Lab

PhD Student (year 3 & 4)


Naït Oumesmar - Zujovic Lab

Postdoctoral Fellow


Wyart Lab

If you are interested in helping in the organization, please contact Daniela!