Dr. Andrew Battisti


I am a Research Fellow in the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) at the Australian National University and the University of Western Australia International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR).

My research focuses on improving our knowledge of how galaxies, and their constituent parts (e.g., stars, gas, dust), evolve from the early Universe into the diverse population that exists today. In particular, I am interested in improving our understanding of how interstellar dust impacts observations of galaxies and also expanding various aspects of the spectral modeling code MAGPHYS (Multi-wavelength Analysis of Galaxy Physical Properties). I am actively involved with three large integral field spectroscopic surveys:


-I started a new position as a Research Fellow at UWA/ICRAR (June 2024).

-My data release paper for the WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel (WISP) survey (a large Hubble space telescope program) was accepted. For details, see Battisti et al. (2024). The data release is available through the MAST achive (link). (May 2024)

-I gave an invited colloquium on my research at UWA/ICRAR. The recording can be viewed here. (Dec 2023)

-I was a guest panelist at 2023 Science in the Pub for Starfest. (Sept 29 2023)

-Our IncludeHer paper 'Invisible women: Gender representation in high school science courses across Australia' was published. (Aug 2023)

-I was awarded 33 orbits of time on the Hubble Space Telescope to study dust attenuation in the MAGPI survey. (Aug 2023)

-MAGPHYS highz (v2) is available for download here. For details, see Battisti et al. (2020).

-MAGPHYS+photo-z is available for download here. For details, see Battisti et al. (2019).

Contact Details:

Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Australian National University

Mt Stromlo Observatory D.115

Cotter Rd, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia

Andrew.Battisti -shift 2- anu.edu.au

NGC2841 Image credit: Hubble, Subaru; Composition & Copyright: Roberto Colombari.   APOD link