Aiya Kuchukova
Hello! I am Aiya, a 3rd year Ph.D. student in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO) at Georgia Tech. I am fortunate to be advised by Will Perkins.
My interests are broadly in Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Statistical Physics. I am one of the organizers of the ACO Student Seminar (contact me if you want to give a talk!). I also enjoy math outreach and math inspired art.
I am grateful to have received David L. Brown Fellowship (Spring 2024) and ARC-ACO Fellowship (Spring 2025). You can find my (extended) CV here.
Places you can catch me:
13th Cargese Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, September 2-6
BIRS: Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics and Theoretical Computer Science, August 11-16 (virtually)
Early-Career Conference in Combinatorics, June 3- 7
Summer School at GT "Probability, Algorithms, and Inference", May 13-16
Lake Michigan Workshop, April 13-14
CombinaTexas, March 23-24
Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference, March 15-17
Science of Circus, March 10th
High School Math Day, March 9th
Atlanta Lecture Series, March 2-3
ACO Student Seminar, February 23rd
GT Combinatorics Seminar, February 2nd
Office: Skiles 137, Skiles
686 Cherry St NW,
Atlanta, GA