Elementary Wrestling Season. Grades K-6

Aitkin Elementary provides 2 levels of instruction for our area youth wrestlers by combining grades K-2 together for practice and by combining grades 3-6 together for their own practice.  

During the season wrestlers will learn the basic skills needed for folkstyle wrestling. The skills learned at this level apply to many areas of life and sport. Skills such as: balance, coordination, mental and physical strength, determination, hard work, personal responsibility and positive character.  We will work on body control wrestling positions and overall athleticism.  


Wrestlers will have the opportunity to compete both as individual and as a team.  Competition is encouraged but we want our wrestling parents to decide if their child is ready for competition.   Parent involvement is encouraged in our program and we focus on having a family friendly experience. 

Our overall goal is to develop a LOVE for wrestling by having FUN and working on Skills Development for wrestling, so our wrestlers stay involved through their High School years