
PD. Dr. Eric Raidl


PD Dr. Eric Raidl is studying the epistemology and logic of machine learning in science, investigating in particular the status of knowledge and uncertainty representation in ML systems. He is project leader of the AITE project and PI of subproject 1.

Dr. Thomas Grote


Dr. Thomas Grote's research focuses on the philosophy of machine learning - with an emphasis on the medical domain. He is PI of subproject 2.

Jun. Prof. Dr. Karoline Reinhardt


Prof. Dr.  Karoline Reinhardt works on machine learning and AI applications from the perspective of political and moral philosophy, with a focus on the notions of trust and trustworthiness in AI ethics. She is now Junior Professor for Applied Ethics at the University of Passau. 

Sara Blanco


Sara Blanco is a PhD candidate whose work focuses on ethics of AI. She investigates the interplay between the epistemic and the moral side of trust. She is doing her thesis on the notion of trust in AI and its link to moral responsibility. 

Oliver Buchholz


Oliver Buchholz is a PhD candidate working on philosophical aspects of explainable artificial intelligence and more generally on methodological issues arising at the intersection of philosophy of science and the philosophy of machine learning.

Dr. Saeedeh Babaii 


Dr. Saeedeh Babaii is a post-doctoral fellow at the International Center for Ethics In The Sciences and Humanities (IZEW). Her work focuses on emotion and trust in AI.