The Story so Far:

In a Nutshell

Since early March 2020 we've been working hard to produce a fully-functioning a translator for the Irish to English language pair.

Where we are today

As of the 21st of October 2020 we have qualified for the 58th BT Young Scientist Exhibition, our translator has a BLEU score of 38 which can match a native and surpasses other translators of within this language pair.

28.09.2020: We Submitted Our Project to the BT Young Scientist 2021
21.10.2020: Our submission qualifies for the BT Young Scientist 2021
1.12.2020: We finally published our website in preparation for the final exhibition and chatbot.


We seek to expand our efforts to other languages for completely different language pairs, but also networks that feature the Irish language. Obviously as Irish raises in status in Europe it must be able to translate into other languages such as German & Danish but also often neglected European languages such Georgian and Maltese.