Submission Guidelines for Papers/Posters

We accept the following submissions:

All submissions should be in the double-column NDSS format, including both references and appendices. Additionally, we welcome Systemization of Knowledge (SoK) papers, which can be up to 12 pages in length, excluding references and clearly marked appendices. Please note that reviewers are not obligated to read the appendices or any supplementary material provided.

Authors must adhere to the NDSS format without altering the font size or margins. For regular papers, submissions that are concise will not be at a disadvantage. As such, we encourage authors to submit papers that reflect the depth and breadth of their research contribution, without undue length.

Paper Formatting Guidelines

Special Categories: If your paper falls under the Short/WIP/SoK/poster category, please prefix your title with "Short:", "WIP:", "SoK:", or "Poster:" respectively.

All accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop and included in the NDSS workshop proceedings.

One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings.

For any questions, please contact one the workshop organizers at

The submission portal for Papers/Posters is:

Important Dates

Topics of Interest

The primary themes for the workshop's call for papers include but not limited to:

Basics of Confidential Computing in AI Context.

An overview of confidential computing principles tailored to AI applications, emphasizing its significance in safeguarding AI models and data.

Protecting AI Models with Confidential Computing.

Demonstrating how confidential computing can shield AI models against threats, from the training phase to deployment.

Challenges and Limitations of Confidential Computing for AI.

Discussing the specific challenges of integrating confidential computing in AI systems, such as computational overheads and potential scalability concerns.

Holistic Approaches to AI Security.

Going beyond just confidential computing to explore comprehensive strategies for AI protection, including hardware, software, and human-centric measures.

Combination of Confidential Computing and Other AI Defense Strategies.

Investigating how confidential computing can synergize with other defense techniques, such as differential privacy, for robust AI protection.

Integration of Confidential Computing into the AI Lifecycle.

Addressing the role of confidential computing throughout the AI model lifecycle, ensuring security from development and training to deployment and updates.

Data Privacy Assurance via Confidential Computing.

Evaluating the potency of confidential computing in maintaining data privacy, especially in sectors with highly sensitive data.

Enforcing Data Policies with Confidential Computing.

Demonstrating the capability of confidential computing to uphold strict data policies, ensuring AI processes data in line with organizational and legal standards.

Confidential Computing in the AI Supply Chain.

Emphasizing the integration of confidential computing principles in the broader AI supply chain, from data acquisition to model deployment.

AI-Driven Confidential Computing.

Highlighting the strategies for ensuring trustworthy computing of AI models and the middleware tools that can facilitate this.

AI-centric Trustworthiness Metrics.

Proposing and refining metrics to evaluate the trustworthiness and reliability of AI systems running within TEEs.

Side Channel Attacks in AI Systems.

Delving into the vulnerabilities, implications, and countermeasures of side channel attacks, particularly when AI systems are executed within TEEs.

Ethic and Usability in the AI Confidential Computing.

Other Important Things

Double and Concurrent Submissions

Technical papers should not have substantially overlap with papers that are either already published or concurrently submitted to another journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings. Any instances of double-submission will lead to the paper being rejected immediately. To identify such cases, the Program Committee reserves the right to exchange information with chairs of other conferences and editors of journals.

Ethical Considerations

Human Subjects Research: For papers involving human subjects, analyzing data derived from such subjects, potentially endangering humans, or introducing other ethical or legal implications that might concern the VehicleSec community, authors should indicate whether an ethical review (e.g., IRB approval) took place. Additionally, the paper should elaborate on how ethical and legal issues were addressed.

Vulnerability Disclosure: When a paper uncovers a potentially high-impact vulnerability, authors are expected to outline their strategy for responsible disclosure. Should there be any concerns, the chairs will reach out to the authors. Please note that the Program Committee retains the discretion to reject submissions that don't adequately demonstrate the proper handling of ethical or relevant legal matters.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors and Program Committee (PC) members must declare any conflicts of interest and specify their nature. Conflicts of interest exist in the following cases:

PC members, including chairs, with a conflict of interest concerning a particular paper will be completely excluded from evaluating that paper.

Special Note on "Fake Conflicts":  It is prohibited to declare conflicts of interest merely to evade certain PC members who would otherwise have no conflict. Engaging in such behavior may result in paper rejection. The PC Chairs hold the authority to inquire further about any declared conflict. If authors feel uncertain about the impartiality of their paper's treatment, they should directly communicate with the chairs, outlining substantial reasons for any special consideration they seek.