Privacy Policy

Our team developed the Air Share Files & Drop Photo application, offered as a Freemium app.

This section clarifies our approach to collecting, utilizing, and revealing personal data for those who choose our platform.

By using the Air Share Files & Drop Photo service, you consent to the practices described in this policy. We gather data to enhance our offerings. This policy outlines how and why we handle your data.

Definitions in this policy are consistent with those in our Terms and Conditions, available at Air Share Files & Drop Photo, unless otherwise specified.

Data Gathering and Application

For an optimized user experience, certain personal details may be necessary. We maintain this data as described here.

Our application collaborates with third parties that may gather user-identifiable data.

Third-party policies include:

Log Details

In the event of application errors, we collect specific device data, referred to as Log Data. This includes details like IP addresses, device specifications, app configurations during usage, and related metrics.

Cookie Usage

Cookies, small data fragments, are typical tools for anonymized identification. While Air Share Files & Drop Photo doesn't actively employ cookies, third-party integrations might. Your choice to accept or reject cookies might affect app features.

Engaging Third-party Services

We collaborate with third-party entities for:

It's essential to understand that these entities can access user data but are bound by confidentiality.

Safeguarding Your Data

We prioritize the security of your data. However, digital platforms have inherent risks, and absolute security isn't guaranteed.

External Links

Air Share Files & Drop Photo might have outbound links. These third-party platforms operate independently, so we recommend reviewing their privacy guidelines.

Protection of Minors

Our service isn't designed for individuals below 13. We undertake prompt actions if we inadvertently gather data from this age group.

Policy Adjustments

Our policy might evolve, so regular checks are advised for the latest updates.

This policy is effective as of 2023-09-30

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at