It is the first time I am contacting you. So I wanted as first to congratulate and at the same time to thank you for creating this (in my opinion) one of the absolutely most amazing video games ever. Its actualy more than a game. I regulary observe the development of the game and wait with impatience on new World Updates and see how big work all involved people/developers do, to make the simulator still better.

I confirm I just flew from Lille to Brussels on arrival everything off, runway, taxiways, approach lights etc etc

to say that it is also an old problem with the lights off on third party scenarios, but not all, usually flights made with ifr or vfr flight plan

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i always flying with JANET airlines from/to Las Vegas to Homey Airport KTXA as known Area 51 top secret facilities base and I operated real time schedule I going fly out at 3am there no runway light on and taxiway and mosty dark only see vehicles in/out traffic and building lights on at night also there another airport such Tonopah Test Range KTNX also no runway light on either so I would like report this to feedback on Xbox Series S/X to fix this issue if possible would much appreciated

I agree

it is a problem that has been manifesting itself for a long time, including the issue of floating lights, the strange thing is that it only occurs after completing a vfr or ifr flight plan

for now it does not appear in any resolution plans

If you want to pay a visit to an airport without enduring the endless queues to pass through security and check in, then the new trailer for Airport Sim seen first at the Future Games Show Powered by Mana may have whet your appetite.

Realism is key for Airport Sim, which MS Games are producing in partnership with MK Studios, who are renowned for developing dozens of official add-ons and mods for Microsoft Flight Simulator in addition to providing flight simulation software for professional pilot training. The goal is to harness this extensive experience, in order to produce the best simulator of airport operations.

Although there aren't many details revealed in the trailer, we do get to see two of the airport settings in action. Vgar in the Faroe Islands and Keflavk in Iceland are both surrounded by beautiful scenery, with shimmering lakes and tree-covered plains giving way to cloud-topped mountains in the distance, and all of this rendered in eye-pleasing 4K.

We also witness these locations going through a full day and night cycle, along with a range of weather effects from sunshine to showers to snow. These are bound to affect your airport operations, whether it's keeping the runways clear so planes can land safety or redirecting flights if visibility drops too low.

Towards the end of the trailer we see a baggage train racing along, with unsecured items spilling out everywhere. This is followed by a brief first-person view from the operator's seat, suggesting that players will be able to take control of vehicles and drive them around the airport. If that's the case then you'll need to take care and follow the correct procedures, unless you want to lose everyone's luggage over the sides as shown in the example.

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan pilots now have a state-of-the-art MI-17 simulator here to hone their aviation skills in a safe environment.

Air Force Lt. Col. Chas Tacheny, the deputy commander of the 438 Air Expeditionary Advisory Group, said he has been involved with bringing the MI-17V5 No-Motion Level 5 Simulator to Afghanistan since July 2011 and he is impressed with the end result.

"In 21 years I don't think I have flown in a better simulator. Afghanistan has an extremely challenging environment for helicopters," he said. "The high altitudes in Afghanistan push the performance envelope of the MI-17."

The colonel said the simulator provides a remarkable reproduction of the Afghanistan air space. He said it is important that the aviators are able to practice their craft in a low-risk environment.

Instructors are able to recreate numerous types of challenging weather conditions through the simulator. Aviators are also able to train on night operations using night vision goggles and formation flying. Tacheny said they are also able to practice brownouts during landings which are one of the biggest risks to aviators in Afghanistan. The dusty climate here can cause these dust storms to kick up with no notice and often blind pilots to all of their visual reference points. 

These situations have been the cause of a few helicopter crashes in Afghanistan, explained Tacheny, who said being able to practice dealing with a stressful situation in a simulator is invaluable.

"In our history in Afghanistan we have gotten a lot of experience dealing with difficult situations," he said. "We can put before the Afghans those challenging scenarios and not have to worry about hurting personnel and damaging aircraft. We can repeatedly do this to further develop their capabilities."

Tacheny said a certain percentage of the flight deck had to contain original equipment that is in the actual MI-17 helicopters. He said this level of realism will provide positive benefits as well.

"The Afghans are touching the actual controls," he said. "So when they go to fly the aircraft there is not a habit transfer issue because it is the same material."

Afghan air force 1st Lt. Nasrullah Khosti said he has enjoyed his time in the new simulator and he feels it is an important step for his country. 

"Every air force has to have simulators," he said. "This helps us fix our problems before we get in the aircraft."

He said the training he has gotten from advisers has been crucial to his development as an aviator.

"The advisers are very kind people and they help us a lot," he said "They have motivated us and shown us how to be the best pilots possible for our country."

Afghan air force 1st Lt. Waheed Sediqe was impressed with his time in the simulator as well. He said it felt just like he was in the helicopter. He is excited to use it help him accomplish his life-long dream.

"I'm very excited to be a pilot for my country, it has been my wish since I was a child," he said. "Every day when I wake up and I put on my uniform I'm proud. Because today is a day I can help my country." 152ee80cbc

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