1. How to find a one or single AirPod?

If you're searching for a single AirPod, try placing the other one in the AirPod case and closing it. Then start scanning again to locate the missing earbud.

2. Do you need help locating your AirPod case? 

Unfortunately, you cannot use our app or similar methods to locate the AirPod case itself, as it does not emit a signal that can be tracked.

3. What could be causing the fluctuating numbers?

The percentage displayed on your device may fluctuate due to factors such as the type of connection and any physical obstacles that may interfere with the signal.

4. What might be causing my device to not appear in the app?

In some cases, certain devices may not be visible in the app due to factors such as being turned off, being too far away, or simply not sending a signal.