Air Map Israel
Air Map Israel is a navigation application for pilots
Android Latest Version: 2.5.3
Published: Feb 01, 2025
Apple Latest Version: 2.5.3
Published: Feb 02, 2025
Mobile Apps are available for download on App Store / Google Play
Available Features:
Show the device location on the map as a plane with its Speed in knots, Direction heading, Altitude in feet's, and Geo Information latitude, longitude.
Option to add 2,5,10 markers on the plane directional line in distances (nm) or times minutes.
* Depends on device location services permission.Tracks the movement on the map with different orientation modes: North Up / Track Up / Off.
True and Magnetic Heading - by pressing on HDG / TRK
Direct mode - Allow placing a marker by touching the map at any point.
* Markers will focus on a nearby known waypoint when possible.
This will calculate in Realtime the:
DIST: Distance to the marker in nautical miles.
BRG: Bearing to marker.
ETA: Estimated time of arrival based on current speed.
ETE: Estimated time in route based on current speed.
* Remove Direct line from the map by long press on Direct button.FPL mode - Flight Plan management mode.
Create new Flight Plan by placing sequential LEG markers on the map.
* Markers will focus on a nearby known waypoint when possible.
* Remove Flight Plan from the map by long press on FPL button.Options to Load, Delete, Save, Undo last LEG, Reverse Flight Plan and View the Flight Plan.
This will calculate and summarize Flight Plan LEG count, Total Distance and Total ETE.Option to edit existing Flight Plan:
From the details page edit custom names remove leg points and
From the map add middle point and drag a point on the Flight Plan to a different location.Option for Flight Plan Auto Tracking, Leg Tracking Alerts and Off Track distance and altitude Alerts.
Including Voice Alerts.Fuel Consumption - Allows monitoring the fuel consumption status during flight.
Weight and Balance - Allows calculation C.G., Moment, fuel endurance and load charts.
Pilot Licences - Supports Adding Editing Importing Exporting and Printing the pilot licences entries and expiration alerts.
Logbook - Supports Adding Editing Importing Exporting and Printing the pilot logbook entries.
Flight Recorder - Allows recording and storing flight tracks.
Options to Load, Delete, Save, and View the Flight Recordings.
This will include Time, Location, Altitude, Heading, Speed, and Distance.
* Remove Flight Recording from the map by long press on REC button.Adding Layers of Airfields with traffic patterns, Waypoints, Notams, Training & Restricted Areas and Charts for few airfields.
Option for Restricted areas Alerts and Training area borders and altitude Alerts, including Voice Alerts.
When Training & Restricted Areas layers are on.Option to create and manage custom waypoint on the map.
Print PDF, Export and Import of Flight Plans, Custom Waypoint and Flight Recording in GPX - GPS Exchange Format.
Air Map Selection: General Aviation CVFR , Light Sport Aircraft AZAM, Helicopters HEL and IFR ATS Routes Map.
Other Map Selection: RTG nature reserves map, STD standard street map and SAT satellite + street map.Altimeter Mode - Option to select GPS / Barometer along with setting QNH, by pressing on the Barometer icon.
* Depends on device Barometer sensor support.EHSI - Electronic GPS based Horizontal Situation Indicator - Supports GPS mode where
Select any destination on the map and open the HSI by clicking on the EHSI icon (near GS - ground speed data)
Supports following NAV modes
GPS mode where CDI deflection is measured in distance you can change the range of 2 dots to 0.3, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0.
VOR mode where CDI deflection is measured in degrees each dot 5 degree.
Options to set Course to intercept, mark the heading.
Option to reset CRS course and HDG heading to direct BRG bearing by pressing on the icon bellow BRG data
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator - light blue arrow direct bearing to the destination.PFD Primary Flight Display with Attitude Indicator, Turn and Slip Coordinator and Magnetic compass.
Glide mode based on AGL - Above Ground Level info and best glide ratio settings.
Open Radio common air spaces data.
Open Weather information ATIS / METAR / TAF of Israel airports for pilots.
View and Share location with APP users.
Option to view ADS-B out supported Airplanes on the map (Transponder Mode S) Israel area only.
Air Map Simulator - Allows simulating a flight from chosen location speed heading and altitude.
Screen orientation Portrait, Landscape, Auto - design for iPad and tablets.
Measure distance between points on the map.
Main menu:
Air Map page.
Settings page:
Map General Settings default Map Selection, Screen Orientation ,Theme etc.
Flight Plan settings and Alerts, Recordings settings, Training and Restricted Area Alerts settings and other application settings.Weather page.
Radio Frequencies page.
Weight and Balance page.
Pilot Licences page.
Logbook page.
Notam page - service and airspace filtering. Notams can be viewed on the Map by selecting Notams layer.
Waypoint page for managing Custom Waypoints.
Resources page for managing the APP maps charts and other downloaded resources.
Help page - In APP help, APP Version, check for newer version and a link to this online webpage.
Buttons explained:
Airplane - Toggle Glide mode. When on circles the airplane based on AGL - Height Above Ground Level info and best glide ratio settings (9 for C-152/C-172).
Pressing on the ALT toggles between ALT MSL - altitude above Mean See Level and AGL height Above Ground Level.
Pressing on the HDG/TRK toggles between True Heading and Magnetic Heading (M).
Center - Centers map to current location.
Simulator - Long press on the center buttons opens the Simulator mode
Allows simulating a flight from a chosen location speed and heading
Choose a location by long press on the map
Choose Speed from the Simulator Top bar
Choose Heading from the Simulator Top bar or by pressing on the map (Direct mode)North Up / Track Up / Off - Map auto track orientation.
Any manual map move while on North Up / Track Up will switch the mode to Off for few seconds and revert back to previous state.CVFR - Controlled Visual Flight / AZAM - LSA - Light Sport Low Altitude / HEL - Helicopters / ATS - IFR Routes
STD - Standard street map / SAT - Satellite map - Map selector.Layers - No Layers / Airfields / Waypoints / Notams / Training & Restricted Areas/ Charts
* When Airfields / Waypoints layers are selected ,
Long press on map adds custom waypoint,
Long press on Layers button or Waypoints settings page manages all the custom waypoints.Fuel Consumption - Monitor the fuel consumption status during flight.
Set the fuel level and usage per hour to monitor the fuel status .Share Location Options to View and Share location with APP users
To share location need to provide Call Sign
ADS-B supported Airplanes (Transponder Mode-S) can be added to the map with their details
Altitude color code Orange < 3,000 Green < 5,000 Blue < 10,000 Purple above10,000
* Below speed 10 kt color Gray , speed 0 disappear.
* If no new data more than a minute color will become blur and above 5 min disappear.RF - Radio frequencies of Israel airspaces.
Weather - Weather information of Israel airspaces.
Flight Plan mode - Direct / FPL
Direct - Set direct point on the map to navigate to.
* Press on map to add to add navigation point.
* Long Press to clear the point from the map.
* Info section is added accordingly with Distance, Bearing, ETA, ETE Geo information.
FPL - Edit Flight Plan.
* Press on map to add to add LEG points to the plan.
* Long Press to clear all points from the map.
* Info section is added accordingly with number of LEG, From - To, Distance, ETE.
* Management buttons are added accordingly:
Load , Delete, Save, Undo last LEG, Reverse Flight Plan View the Flight Plan.
* System will exit FPL mode back to Direct within few seconds to avoid false editing.
* When Flight Plan is Loaded the View button will stay on to allow the view of the Flight Plan details.
* The Direct line is used for Auto Tracking when enabled and available.
The Auto tracking works as follows:
When approaching within 0.5 nm of a LEG in the flight plan Flight Plan LEG Notification with the details will open to confirm.
It will also set the Direct navigate line to the end of that LEG.
When Off Track Alerts are enabled when deviating 0.5 nm from the LEG course an Alert will pop up to confirm.
All distances and alert frequencies are configurable from the settings page.
FPL Advanced Options:
* Insert mid point by press on the leg line
* Edit point location by:
1. Select the point - marker info opens (IOS long press, Android press)
2. Press teh point and drag it to the new position
* Edit FPL details in the FPL Info/Edit page
* Delete leg in the FPL Info/Edit pageFlight Recorder
* Press on REC button to start and stop recording.
* Long Press to clear all points from the map.
* The recorded flight will be shown on the map as a blue line and green points with details of the flight.
* It can be saved and viewed on the map with details panel.
* Edit management buttons are added accordingly:
Load , Delete, Save, and View the Flight Recordings.
* Configurations of recording changes in height, speed, direction and distance is available in the Settings page.? - In APP helper page.
Map Selection: CVFR / AZAM / ATS and Direct navigation point details:
Flight Plan Modes: Direct , FPL and Layers: Airfields / Waypoints:
Flight Plan Tracking of LEG / Off Track Alerts and Flight Plan Details:
Main Menu and Settings / Help pages:
Weather / Notam / Radio Frequencies pages:
Flight Recorder
EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator and PFD Primary Flight Display with Tablet support
Experimental Flight Instruments: Compass, Attitude indicator and Turn and Slip Indicator
Share Location, ADS-B airplanes support
Layers charts
Custom Waypoints
Training and Restricted areas Layers and Alerts
Tablet support Portrait / Landscape / Auto
Fuel Consumption status
World Maps VFR/IFR, Weather, Radio and Notams
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