Dear future CEO, we are seeking an ambitious director able to create a new airline that aims to conquer the global civil aviation market! Once in office, you'll receive a budget of $300 million and have carte blanche to decide which strategy to adopt thanks to more than 60 aircraft and 2,600 geolocalized airports. 

 You will also be in charge of your airline's Research and Development center. With over 500 patents awaiting financing and more than 200 ideas for services, you'll have to use your strategic skills to make the best decisions. Diplomatic acumen can be a plus if you choose to develop your airline as part of an alliance. The support of your allies can be a major asset for your future investments. 

 If you think you have what it takes to be a real airline manager, this job is for you! So, don't wait any longer and join us on Airlines Manager!

I recently found out about this addon via a forum post which lead me to a few YouTube videos. For those who dont know about it, OnAir is described as "It is a persistent world in which you, as your company's CEO, manage your own airline." I have to disagree about that claim as well as the actual product name as being a bit misleading. When one thinks of "Airline" they tend to think more about routed service by an airline carrier as to where OnAir is more if not totally geared towards Pilot for Hire, Charter Ops. My best way to describe it is FSEconomy on steroids', FSPassengers added in with sprinkles of AirHauler. Basically taking the best of those addons features and creating an all in one subscription based product.

Speaking of those two great addons, I am a long time active member on FSE and was a beta tester on FSpassengers so when I started doing some digging as to what OnAir is about, I was excited to see the developers have found a nice balance of being feature rich but not so overly done as its too complicated for long time use enjoyment. So many features I have long to wish for in FSE are possible in OnAir and to add to that, the flight progression is monitored to provide more realistic wear and tear on the plane based on how it was flown which is something FSPax offered.

OnAir offers a free trial which allowed me to see what its like at which I'll be honest, coming from FSE my first reaction was that it was going to be weighted more towards logistical day to day boring stuff eating up too much of my hobby time then I was willing to invest. Kinda like the feeling I got from AirHauler of which I only used for a bit before not returning to it. So I dabbled a little bit into it to see the likes and dislikes. After some time I found that there wasnt anything to really dislike and the amount of things I liked about it were advocating. 

To start, there are four different worlds to jump in and out of. A more open sandbox then just having one way of play. That in its own is a great start to allowing the user to find the style of play they find best suits their needs. Jimmy from FSEconomy once showed me his vision of what FSEv2.0 could of looked like. It offered so many great features and rewrote the way of play to better reflect the features so many users have asked for. OnAir has incorporated so many of those ideas that I actually looked up the developers and some of the history of OnAir as to when it came about to see if basically someone had taken his ideas and is selling them as an addon. It just seems that was not the case but it is nice to see them actually in play.

So to start, the service is subscription based with various package plans based on months and years with a lower per month rate for the longer the user subscribes. This once again is a new way of doing this kind of addon as to where the user prior had the only options of freeware or payware products. I subscribe to PilotEdge and find the subscription based model the best for support and feedback. Unlike freeware which is based on a voluntary system or payware which seems to start off strong at release but loose support and feature improvements over time, the subscription base seems to offer the best option for long time use. Additionally, the client which interfaces the sims (all major sims are supported including the new MSFS) is designed to receive continued updates, fixes and new features effortlessly when the user connects at the start of each session.

Once I created my "pilot' persona I started poking around to actually see how it works first had. I love immersion and realism when simming. I use PilotEdge, have my Garmin Pilot App that I use when I fly in RL as so all the tools I have in my sim I bring in real flying allowing me to stay current with how all my pilot tools work. That said, some of the major features that drew me to OnAir was being able to break up cargo jobs in multiple legs, being able to hire employees for a long term goal, the fact that planes age both in airframe and engine, more real life checks like annual checkrides, annual aircraft checks in addition to the 100 hour ones, plus repairs and equipment items take time to preform making the plane unavailable during that time. Thats a feature of enabling Survival Mode and is automatically enabled in the more realistic game rooms of Struts and Thunder. The other two game worlds are way more forgiving on restrictions but all the user to turn those features on and off to their likings.

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Kudos to the team that has found the perfect balance of immersion, realism, challenges and rewards along with the use of its UI/client delivery system that makes this product shine so bright. This is exactly what the sim world needs as an option for long term goal building platform to give purpose to flight simming as an option. When I first started reading the manual and read about AI needing to rest and things like that I was wary of if features like that were needed in a way that its more involved that it needs to be. However, once I realized that all these features are future bridges for me to cross when the time is right, I will have fine tuned my game play and will be ready for the next level up when I get there and not needed to be achieved on day one.

The Experience Points/Skill Tree is a well designed and thought out feature for long term use. For myself coming from FSE where over the 13 years of being a member there I have seen 1st hand burnout when trying to build cash over takes the reason I sim. So not to repeats those mistakes I developed a long term roll for my character pilot and the use of the skill tree/XP will be highly useful in doing so. I will not fly the Mission jobs which build my XP points rapidly and allow me to quickly develop my Pilot and options of ownership and management (FBOs, Planes, Staff). Instead I will earn my XP's by building my flight hours. The skill tree is perfectly designed as flow method in the stages of the how a real pilot might develop.

So I will start off flying only freight. In doing so I in theory would develop a relationship with local FBOs and airport managers as I fly in and out of them and so the 1st thing I would do is look for ways to save money by asking for favors or deals in parking fees and finding places I can park to save me money. After which I would try to get a deal on landing fees. As my funds build I would then consider buying my own plane which bank loans and aircraft ownership would play a part. Now owning a plane I would consider growing my operations with opening up a Fixed Based Operation and consider growing my fleet to offer other services. With that would come the need for employees and finally as my network and team grow, also comes the needs to hire better trained staff. So as you can see, I am following your skill tree layout almost to a tee. An extremely well thought out system, if done right and not rushed to reach the end goal but enjoy the ride there, thanks to the skill tree.

The user starts an airline and tries to grow it to a larger airline. You start by renting a small aircraft and transporting some good. If you are a flight simmer you can fly these missions yourself, if you are not, you can hire a virtual pilot and have him fly it. Do check the weather (yes, real-time weather) because taking a job and not being able to complete it can be costly!

Many roles are possible. Managing an airline or FBO (selling

maintenance, fuel, and even aircraft), fly as a pilot, try to find the most

profitable jobs and have other airlines fly them, etc.

There are 7 bonuses in A.M: Entertainment, Punctuality, Safety, Price Attractiveness, Ancillary Revenue, Comfort and Expenses. They can range from 0-500 (Except Expenses, which range from -500 to +500). These bonuses can affect your airline differently (based what type of airline and strategy you decided on), ranging on PAX demand, costs, revenue, etc.

Airline Manager 4 is a strategy game where you become the manager of a popular airline. To do this, you must purchase aircraft and fuel, create routes, carry out marketing campaigns, and even serve your passengers.

Investor reports are reports that you can release every 12 hours to tell investors about your airline. This includes a automatically generated financial report telling airlines whether your airline is a wise choice for investment. This is also where you create your CEO name.

Manage your virtual airline on FSAirlines. The FSAirlines Flight Tracker connects your flight simulator with the online crew-center. Each flight has a direct impact on your virtual airline statistics!

FSAirlines allows you to mange your virutal airline as realsitically as possible! FSAirlines Flight-Tracker connects directly to your flight simulator and uses this data to compute your virtual airline's metrics. ff782bc1db

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