Call for Papers


The workshop calls for submissions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics: 

Submission Guidelines

Accepted papers will be included in the ICIAP 2023 proceedings, which will be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). When preparing your contribution, please follow the guidelines provided by Springer. The maximum number of pages is 12 pages including references. Each contribution will be reviewed based on originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance, and technical content.

The submission will be handled electronically via a unique Conference's CMT Website for all the workshops belonging to the ICIAP Medical Imaging Hub:

During the submission, you must select the correct Track, which is Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in Computer-Aided Diagnosis (AIRCAD).

Once accepted, the presence of at least one author at the event and the oral presentation of the paper are expected.  There are two registration modalities: 

For more details about the registration, see the ICIAP main conference website.

Important dates


Albert Comelli <>

Cecilia Di Ruberto <>

Andrea Loddo <> 

Lorenzo Putzu <> 

Alessandro Stefano <>