The 2nd Workshop on Advances in IoT Architecture and Systems

June 3, 2018, Los Angeles, California, USA | Workshop co-located with ISCA 2018

Accepted papers will be published at ACM SIGBED Review.

Internet of Things (IoT) is poised for a disruptive growth in the near future and is projected as a major economic driver for years to come. Related technologies in the fields of industry 4.0, autonomous systems like Connected Robotics, etc can also leverage the advancements made in this ecosystem. However, the realization of this dream poses multitudes of challenges owing to its size, scalability, diversity, openness. The goal of AIoTAS is to provide a platform to host researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry and share their experience and solutions to the multitude of issues related to future large-scale systems. The workshop will help to evolve a consolidated architecture for an IoT system and like. The workshop aims to provide authors with useful feedback about their work and facilitate networking within the community.

Scope and Topics

The workshop aims to highlight the issues related to architecture of an IoT system, though not restricted to it. We welcome submissions on techniques, experiments, experience reports and tools. The broad areas of interest for AIoTAS 2017 include, but are not limited to:

  • Architectures for Embedded Systems (Sensor-actuator network, IoT, Robotics)
  • Sensor and sensing technologies
  • Actuator and acting technologies
  • Low power and energy harvesting
  • Real-time systems
  • IoT data analytics
  • Cloud-based IoT
  • Embedded software
  • Smart devices
  • Connected Robots

Formatting Guideline

We solicit detailed papers explaining techniques, solutions, tools or experience reports. Page limit is at most 8 pages and at least 6 pages, including references and artworks. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal, conference or workshop.

Please submit through

The accepted papers will be published at ACM SIGBED Review. Formatting details are available at:

We follow a double-blind review policy. That means the submitted article should not include author's identity and affiliation information. They should prepare the article while maintaining anonymity.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline

Notification of Acceptance

Camera-ready Due

Workshop Day

April 1, 2018

April 12, 2018

May 7, 2018

June 3, 2018 (Morning Half)