
Our Film Festival

The Aims Community College Media Production Club is proud to announce that they will be hosting Aims' First Vertical Film Festival, on April 23rd, 2021!

We encourage compositional techniques that follow the basic rules of photography, including but not limited to: utilization of framing, use of lines and vectors, composition, simplicity, color, lighting, etc.

We also encourage people to look for creative innovations that utilize the vertical aspect ratio to assist with the storytelling of the project.

With that being said, we are looking for film submissions that capture the purpose of our festival - to utilize and innovate the vertical aspect ratio.

We are accepting all vertical media creations, no limitation of style or genre, up to 10 minutes long.

Multiple submissions per individual/group are allowed.

We are excited to announce our "Minute and Under" categories, great for first time creators!

We also have an Animation category!

Submit all videos to the "General Submission - TBC" category unless they are animated or under 60 seconds long.

There is no limitation to what technology or software you are allowed to use to create the film.

As a clarification, we are not looking for the next viral video, we are looking for some sort of story told with unique camera/capture/creation techniques that utilize the vertical aspect ratio.

Don't have a script idea? Consider looking up a two-sentence story and see what you can do with it!

It is required that submissions are Vertical and are captured or created in a vertical 9:16 format (1080x1920), and not otherwise cropped from a horizontal creation.

Film submissions will be accepted as late as April 12th by 7 PM.

Submissions will accepted through FilmFreeway.

Email Stepf at MediaProductionClub@aims.edu with any questions.

The purpose of hosting a Vertical Film Festival is so that we can reach out to our community members who have been potentially locked away and isolated for the span of a year now.

We don't want the lack of access to technology to stop people from creating. So we figured, almost everybody has access to a smartphone or a tablet these days, and most video editors you can get on those devices allow you to edit and export in the vertical aspect ratio.

If you're skeptical of smartphone cinema, technology has evolved so much, that you can record vertically on a "real" camera and rotate the video within the video editor with ease. Considering that this high-powered technology is now wildly available, we want to encourage people to learn how to use it appropriately, in technically and aesthetically pleasing ways.

Recommended Attire: Semi-Formal/Formal/As Fancy As You'd Like

We're encouraging people to dust off that prom dress, buy a bow tie, break out the nice blazer, put on their best shoes...

It will be a night to remember, and Zoom attendees will be on camera if they so desire. The Zoom event will be recorded.

(If you aren't one to wear a dress or tie, we still welcome you to attend dressed in whatever clothing you prefer.)

We all need a reason to dress up every now on then, even if we are sitting behind computer screens.
