What is ai?


ai (short for artificial intelligence) is a class of algorithms that specialize in learning interesting and complicated patterns from data. ai has also recently become excellent at generating new, synthetic data that is representative of the data that was used during its training process.

Follow Up Question & Answer: How is this different than a Google search?

Google offers a Search Engine that is able to index, rank, and return a list of existing web content based off a search query. Although extremely useful, Google Search can not generate new content nor can it automatically interpret deep patterns in web data and return it back to you in an interactive format. This is where ai has recently excelled causing a huge rise in popularity among large tech companies.

Is this a 3rd party app or an official Apple product?


3rd party app on the Apple platform. We offer an AI integration for iMessage which is an Apple owned product. 

What is iMessage?


That question is best answered here, but in summary it is an instant messaging service provided by Apple Inc that gives your text messages the "blue"  text bubble styling. iMessage supports end-to-end encryption and iMessage Extension Apps & iMessage Stickers; both of which are used by aiMessages!

Is this app available for Android users?


Unfortunately, it is not! Since this is an iMessage integration, it only works on iOS devices like iPhones and iPads. 

How do I get to the aiMessages' iMessage Extension App and Stickers?


The iMessage Extension Apps are located within the Messages App within the App Drawer. Within an iMessage Extension App, you can find iMessage Stickers which are images that can decorate (attach) to previously sent iMessages. To find this within aiMessages:

Learn more about iMessage Extension Apps and Stickers here.