Hello! I'm a mathematics professor in DPMMS, at the University of Cambridge. I'm interested in geometry and topology. My research is mostly in symplectic geometry and homological mirror symmetry. 

I'm partially supported by EPSRC Open Fellowship EP/W001780/1. In 2023-24 I was supported by ERC Starting Grant SingSymp at the University of Vienna.


Ph.D students: 

José Luis Narbona Valiente, 2024-

Yoon Jae (Nick) Nho, 2020-24

Amanda Hirschi, 2020-23


I'm  an editor for Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure.

I'm on the editorial board of Journal de l'École Polytechnique.


I grew up in Toulouse

amk50 cam.ac.uk

Office E1.02


Wilberforce Road

Cambridge CB3 0WB

United Kingdom