Task 2 - Rhetorical Role Labeling for Legal Judgements

Legal case documents follow a common thematic structure with implicit sections like “Facts of the Case” , “Issues being discussed”, “Arguments given by the parties”, etc. These sections are popularly termed as "rhetorical roles". Knowledge of such semantic segments or roles will not only enhance the readability of the documents but also help in downstream tasks like computing document similarity, summarization, etc. However this information is generally not specified explicitly in case documents, which are usually just free-flowing text. AILA 2020 - Task 2 is aimed at addressing this issue.

Task Description

Given a legal case document classify each sentence the document in one of the 7 semantic segments/rhetorical roles explained below:

  1. Facts : sentences that denote the chronology of events that led to filing the case
  2. Ruling by Lower Court : since we will be providing Indian Supreme Court cases, these cases were given a preliminary ruling by the lower courts (Tribunal, High Court etc.). These sentences correspond to the ruling/decision given by these lower courts.
  3. Argument : sentences that denote the arguments of the contending parties
  4. Statute : relevant statute cited
  5. Precedent : relevant precedent cited
  6. Ratio of the decision : sentences that denote the rationale/reasoning given by the Supreme Court for the final judgement
  7. Ruling by Present Court : sentences that denote the final decision given by the Supreme Court for that case document

Participants will be provided training data manually annotated by legal experts. More details can be found on the dataset page.