AI + Materials

AI for Materials Science and Engineering

Progress in Li-ion Energy Storage and Alternative Technologies by Prof. Gerband Ceder

제 2회 최종현학술원 과학혁신 컨퍼런스 “Enabling Future of AI: Battery to Semiconductor”

Data-Driven Design for Energy Materials - IPAM at UCLA

Prof. Kristin Persson at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley

2023 Rosemary Schnell IIN Symposium "The Materials for Tomorrow, Today"

Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto 

ACME Materials Research Seminar

Prof. Chris Wolverton at Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the  Northwestern University 

Fusing Machine Learning and Simulations for Materials Design

Prof. Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT

Materials Design at SCALE through Automation & Machine Learning

Prof. Shyue Ping Ong at the NanoEngineering, UC San Diego

How AI is Revolutionizing the Discovery of Materials

Prof. Peter Schindler at Northeastern University

Machine Learning Potential

SIMPLE-NN 이론 및 실습 (이론)

한승우 교수, 서울대

SIMPLE-NN 이론 및 실습 (실습)

한승우 교수, 서울대

AI for Materials Science (AIMS) Conference: Videos

Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) promises to expedite materials discovery through high-through computation and high-throughput experiments. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as machine learning, deep learning, and various optimization techniques are critical to achieving such a goal.

Some of the key areas of applications in employing AI techniques to materials are: developing well-curated and diverse datasets, choosing effective representation for materials, inverse materials design, integrating autonomous experiments and theory, and choosing appropriate algorithm/workflow. The idea of including physics-based models in the AI framework is also fascinating.  Lastly, uncertainty quantification in AI-based predictions for material properties and issues related to building infrastructure for disseminating AI knowledge is of immense importance for making AI-based investigations of materials successful. This workshop is intended to cover all the above-mentioned challenges.

Graph Neural Networks for Material Science

GNN-Based Prediction of Material Properties and Chemical Reactions

박찬영 교수, KAIST 산업시스템공학과

Materials Discovery with Generative Models

Rethinking Materials Discovery with Generative Models

Dr. Tian Xie at Microsoft Research AI4Science

MatterGen: a Generative Model for Inorganic Materials Design

Dr. Tian Xie at Microsoft Research AI4Science

LLM for Materials Science

LLM Hackathon for Applications in Materials and Chemistry