
Some info to our non-finnish speakers:

Aikido is non-competitive self-defense oriented Japanese budo-sport.

Technically Aikido relies on join locks and using the attackers momentum against itself for unbalancing and throws.

Practice times are as follows:

Monday 1800-1930(adults)

Tuesday 1800-1900(juniors and their parents)

Wednesday 1830-2000(adults)

Thursday 1830-2000(adults)

Beginners are always welcome to join! If its possible please give as a heads up that you are coming by sending a email to info@aikijo.fi or if you have some questions.

All you need for your first practice is some loose clothes, water bottle and a good spirit:)

We practice at Kajaaninhalli 3rd floor. Address is : Ratakatu 2 Kajaani 87100