Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data

Summer School Day

September 5, 2024

at Leuphana University Lüneburg 

NFDI4DataScience is hosting its first summer school on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data. 

This 1-day event will include keynotes and tutorials on applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for the handling of research data. Our instructors cover a variety of backgrounds, such as Computer Science, Social Sciences, and the Library Sector. We invite early-stage researchers from all academic disciplines to share and discuss their workflows, needs, and obstacles when handling research data. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their research and get feedback from our instructors. There will be a best poster competition and the winner will be selected at the end of the event. Please read our Call for Participation to learn more.

Important Dates

Now open for poster abstract submission (see CfP)

Submission deadline: July 19, 2024

Decision notification: August 2, 2024

Registration deadline: August 22, 2024

Summer School Day: September 5, 2024


Call for Participation

The goal of the poster session is to share and discuss how the data collected and used in different academic disciplines might be similar or different, and in which ways the requirements for managing and processing might vary. To this end, attendees are asked to present a poster describing a concrete research data-related experience from their own work. Since we are eager to learn about open questions and obstacles you face when dealing with research data, the poster may refer to ongoing projects.

To apply, please submit a 1-page abstract:

The abstracts will be submitted through EasyChair and reviewed in a single-blind process. Please note, that participation in the event is only possible if you are invited to present a poster. A registration link will be sent to you if your abstract is accepted. The poster will be published and assigned a DOI by us.

Link to the submission page: 


Campus of the Leuphana University Lüneburg

Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg,
Central Building, C40.606
(6th floor)

Click here for directions.





Participants will have to organize their own accommodation if needed. We recommend the following list of hotels and hostels that are in good reach of the event venue:

Best Western Plus Residenzhotel Lüneburg 


Jugendherberge Lüneburg

Bergström Hotel Lüneburg

DORMERO Hotel Altes Kaufhaus Lüneburg

Participation Certificate

Participants will be provided with a participation certificate. Members of the Leuphana Graduate School might be eligible to receive 5 ECTS for their participation. Please inquire with the head of your doctoral research group ahead of time! In case of eligibility, participants will have to additionally attend a preparation and a follow-up session to meet the credit requirements (see Appendix 1 Doctoral Regulations / Anlage 1 Promotionsordnung).

DEI Grants

We are still looking into the possibility to provide a few DEI grants to help participants cover their travel & accommodation expenses. Please check this website for updates.

Program Committee

Raniere Gaia Costa da Silva (GESIS)

Jens Dierkes (U Cologne)

Thilo Dietz (U Cologne)

Jennifer D’Souza (TIB) 

Leyla Jael Castro (ZB Med)

Genet Asefa Gesese (FIZ)

Mohamad Yaser Jaradeh (TIB)

Angelie Kraft (Leuphana, U Hamburg)

Allard Oelen (TIB)

Ricardo Usbeck (Leuphana)


Please send us an e-mail if you have any questions or remarks.


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