Artificial Intelligence
and Knowledge Graphs
for Scholarly Data
Two-Day Summer School
September 23 and 24, 2025
at Leuphana University Lüneburg
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Save the date!
NFDI4DataScience and the AIX Lab at Leuphana University Lüneburg is hosting its second summer school on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data. Join us for two days of interesting discussions and insights, casual networking, and summer vibes on the beautiful Leuphana campus.
The event will revolve around applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for the handling of research data, from the perspective of different disciplines. We invite early-stage researchers from all academic disciplines to share and discuss their workflows, needs, and obstacles when handling research data. More details on the format and program, as well as a Call for Participation will follow in due time.
Watch the AIKG-SD 2024 summer school recap:
Important Dates
Submission deadline: TBD
Decision notification: TBD
Registration deadline: TBD
Summer School: September 23 to 24, 2025
Program Committee
Ricardo Usbeck (Leuphana)
Angelie Kraft (Leuphana, U Hamburg)
Martin Kohler (Leuphana)
Leyla Jael Castro (ZB Med)
... TBD
Please send us an e-mail if you have any questions or remarks.
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