DRANZSEN Queensland

qld dranzsen.pptx

AIDR education for young people program

Scroll down for event presentations!

Presentation to DRANZSEN - MChesnais.pptx

Extreme weather events and the future climate dashboard

Matt Chesnais, QFES

DRANZSEN presentation.pptx

Schools and emergency services working together in crises

Jenene Rosser, Independent Schools Qld

Learning Partnerships.pptx

Learning Partnerships: pre-conditions for successful engagement with schools

Jason Evans, Queensland Department of Education

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Sustainability, geography, virtual education and disaster resilience in North Queensland

Dylan Furnell & Jodie Williams Townsville City Council


Birdie's Tree: engaging early childhood education and care following a natural hazard event

Dr Anita Nepean-Hutchison Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (QCPIMH)

D19 10181 20190529 Natural disasters presentation(2).pptx

Impacts of natural disasters on This Place I call Home: views of children and young people

Queensland Family and Children's Commission

2019 CFS Presentation DRANZEN.pptx

Child-friendly spaces: helping children bounce back in post emergency situations

Save the Children