Program Committee

Members of the Program Committee

Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Umar Farooq Minhas, Apple, USA,

  • Yingjun Wu, Singularity Data Inc., USA,

Workshop Publicity Chair

Steering Committee

  • Berthold Reinwald, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

  • Bingsheng He, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Program Committee

  • Andreas Kipf, MIT, USA

  • Bailu Ding, Microsoft Research, USA

  • Bo Tang, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

  • Calisto Zuzarte, IBM, USA

  • Diego Didona, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland

  • Hui Miao, Google, USA

  • Madelon Hulsebos, University of Amsterdam & Sigma Computing, Netherlands

  • Manisha Luthra, TU Darmstadt, Germany

  • Niranjan Hasabnis, Intel, USA

  • Ryan Marcus, MIT, USA

  • Yao Lu, Microsoft Research, USA