
I enjoy teaching. I'm a believer in getting students involved in the classroom — I believe student learning happens best when they are actively thinking about math for themselves, and I see my role primarily as facilitating that.

Starting in my second semester at UW–Madison I was selected to be a head TA. The extra responsibilites of this were primarily curating materials for the other TAs in the lecture, writing quizzes, fielding questions from other TAs in the lecture, and helping out with new TA training in fall semesters.

In Summer 2022, I was the lecturer for calculus 1. I wrote lectures and coordinated two TAs. In subsequent semesters, I have been the instructor of record for sections of college algebra. As the only instructor the students see, my job involves adapting existing course notes and coordinating two undergraduate assistants who help out with the active learning parts of class.


Courses at UW–Madison 

Courses at Ohio State

Teaching Conferences Attended

I've attending a few conferences where teaching was a big part of the talks and informal discussion.