Laboratory of Ecology

Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Ehime University

About Research

Our study encompasses a broad range of the subdisciplines of ecology, of which ecological complexity ranges from population, species, community, to ecosystem. Fundamentally, each faculty member and their students explore some different aspects of ecology and evolutionary biology. We therefore draw not only on the field works of aquatic (even at African Great Lakes!) and terrestrial realms in Japan and oversea, but also molecular/genetic analyses . Our study materials include insects (e.g. flies, moths), to vertebrates (e.g. fish, birds). Particularly, we focus on biological interactions and competition within and among species, and between organism and environment; evolution of mutualism under the closed ecosystem; and, evolutionary transitions of life-history traits and adaptations thereof.

We welcome passionate ecologists (graduate students, postdocs, visiting researchers) who are willing to join our research group! Please contact any faculty member if you are interested (see Members).