Call for Papers

In pursuit of fostering insightful conversation on the subject of learning, particularly at the intersection of Cognitive Architectures and Developmental AI, we invite participants to submit their contributions. 

Beyond submitting papers presenting state-of-the-art research, we invite authors to share works in progress, reports featuring preliminary results, and critical reflections and position papers. This inclusive approach allows for exploring and identifying pertinent and novel discussion points that authors may wish to address during the ensuing panel discussions. 

Important Dates

Submission Procedure

Submission format: extended abstract (2 to 4 pages) or a short position paper (1 page) - Page limit excluding references.

File format: PDF  

The submitted contribution must be written in English and does not need to be anonymized (single-blind review process). A panel of experts from relevant fields will be asked to review the contributions. Accepted submissions will be presented orally, and the paper will be uploaded to the workshop website.

Please submit your contribution on the AI-CogDev forms.

For any questions, please contact us at