Research Projects

Research Projects



Novel Battery Cell Screening (Diagnosing) and Prognosing Based on Neurocomputing for Predictive Maintenance of Battery Modules in FR-Energy Storage Systems






Design, implementation, and deployment of a Java-based Representational State Transfer-ful web services framework with R facilities for Business Intelligence & Big-Data Analytics to IoT end users

需求面管理節能方案與應用技術研究計畫 (2/3): Semi-supervised Query-Based Learning based Active Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Applied to Behaviour-based Energy Efficiency: A Big-Data Approach to Energy Demand-Side Management

新及再生能源技術先期研發之太陽光電能源圖資及異常診斷技術創新前瞻計畫-多維度太陽能故障診斷技術: 模糊-類神經網路建模“虛擬感測”技術於太陽能發電系統發電預測與發電異常診斷

先進可調色溫固態照明與智慧應用整合技術開發計畫: 基於某區域情境照明控制參數(包含: 溫/濕度階數、照度、輝度、色溫、均齊度)回饋並智慧化學習,調光控制器自主調控區域內多盞照明,以使得區域照明符合個人化需求

智慧電網主軸專案計畫-智慧家庭(建築)電能管理先導型計畫: IoT-based Home Energy Management Systems prototype (BeagleBoard-xM ARM® Cortex(TM)-A8 embedded Linux)

Contributed SCI Journal Article: An advanced Home Energy Management System facilitated by Non-intrusive Load Monitoring with Meta-heuristic-based Multi-objective in-home Load Scheduling

IoT term projects

 - Raspberry Pi3, an ARM® Cortex(TM)-A53 single-board computer with wireless LAN and Bluetooth connectivity, can be configured and used as a Gateway having a web server with an LAMP (Linux OS, Apache HTTP, MySQL, PHP) stack and bi-directionally communicating with wireless sensor nodes and Cloud Computing facilities, to the gateway and network layer of IoT.

 - Arduino UNO WiFi, an ESP8266 UART-WiFi module-integrated ATmega328 microcontroller to be designed with environmental sensors such as Humidity & Temperature and radiation sensing modules, can be acted as a wireless sensor node of the sensor connectivity and network layer of IoT.

 - Open-source programming languages such as R and Python can be configured on a cluster of computers with multiple CPUs/GPUs in a hybrid parallel/distributed computing structure to realize Cloud Computing/Internet of Services, to the application layer of IoT.

非侵入式負載監測系統之研發: An improved multi-resolution S-Transform-based transient feature extraction scheme that extracts useful transient features of monitored electrical household appliances from the aggregated electricity signals is developed. Based on extracted transient features, an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm executes combinatorial search formulated as a modified 0-1 Multi-dimensional Knapsack problem for load identification.

應用無線感測網路於配電系統操作之研究: Applications of Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems for Smart Distribution Systems/Distribution Automation -- A distributed intelligent Multi-Agent System-based service restoration planner where intelligent agents autonomously and meta-heuristically co-evolve to plan service restoration using Genetic Algorithms in a parallel fashion