Installation Guide Lux AI

Installation Guide

This guide will help you install the Lux AI DevKit and explain how to use it.

Please refer to this page to get Lux-AI challenge info :
And this page to get info on the Lux-AI engine :

Install & Execute Your First AIBot

- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition (

* Windows PATH environment variable must contain the MSbuild folder containing its main executable (msbuild.exe).

* Make sure to install v143 Platform Toolset

Ex.: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe

- CMake ( (3.27.2 have been tested. More recent versions should also work but haven't been tested yet)

* Windows PATH environment variable must contain the CMake folder containing its main executable (cmake.exe).

- Python ( (3.11.4 have been tested. More recent versions should also work but haven't been tested yet)

* Windows PATH environment variable must contain the Python folder containing its main executable (python.exe).

- 7-Zip ( (22.01 have been tested. More recent versions should also work but haven't been tested yet)

* Windows PATH environment variable must contain the 7-zip folder containing its main executable (7z.exe).

- Node.js + npm ( (18.17.1 have been tested. More recent versions should also work but haven't been tested yet)

Managing MyFirstAIBot.sln solution