AIBED 2024:

1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Brain Encoding and Decoding

Mar 24th 2024 - (GMT +8)

Live Stream via Zoom

Meeting ID: 863 6921 6093

Passcode: 958885


15:00 - 15:15: Opening Remarks

15:15 - 16:00: Organizer Talk: Dr. Jingyuan Sun - Title: Mind Meets Machine: Unveiling Brain-AI Alignment in Language Understanding and Beyond. 

16:00 - 17:00: Invited Talk - Speaker: Dr. Shaonan Wang - Title: Toward a comprehensive study of human and machine language understanding

17:00 - 18:00: Invited Talk - Speaker: Dr. Yu Takagi - Title: Integrating Deep Generative Models with Human Brain Activity

18:00 - 19:00: Invited Talk - Speaker: Jiaxin Qing - Title: Seeing beyond the brain: high-quality image and video reconstruction from brain activity

19:00 - 20:00: Oral Presentation of Workshop Accepted Papers

20:00 - 20:15: Closing Remarks

Mission of AIBED

We aim to explore the intersection of AI and neuroscience, focusing on how AI, particularly deep artificial neural networks, can facilitate the encoding and decoding of brain activities. This workshop aims to provide a platform where researchers from different background and sub-fileds can focus on exchanging the frontier ideas across boundaries, leading to holistic system-aware understanding and systematic research attempts in the future. 

Format of Workshop:

This workshop will be one day during the 35th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  in the Conventional Centre, Vancouver, Canada. It will include keynote speeches, plenary talks, paper presentations, and poster sessions. The tentative schedule will be confirmed soon. 

Call for Papers:

Our topics include, but are not limited to:

Paper Format

Long Papers

Long papers should present original research and should provide substantial novel contributions to the field. These papers are allowed up to 7 pages in length, not including references.

Short Papers

Short papers may describe new research directions or present work that is at a more preliminary stage. These papers are allowed up to 4 pages in length, not including references.

Formatting Guidelines

We are committed to providing a smooth submission experience. In this regard, please use the official AAAI LaTeX template to format your paper correctly ( 


Submissions and Reviews are managed via OpenReview. All accepted papers and reviews will be made publicly available after the paper decisions have been made public.

This workshop will follow a single-blind reviewing policy. This means that the author information and acknowledgement can be included in the paper. 

Important Dates


Contact to get more information about the workshop