Activation Function in Neural Network

Activation Function in Neural Network

In a neural network, each neuron is connected to many other neurons, permitting signals to pass in one direction through the network from input to output layers, involving any number of hidden layers in between. The activation function relates to the forward propagation of this signal through the network.

What is activation function in neural network ? Activation functions are delicate equations that decide the output of a neural network model. Activation functions also have a major effect on the neural network’s capability to assemble and the conjunction speed, or in some cases, activation functions might help neural networks from clustering in the first place.

Activation functions must also be nonlinear and continuously differentiable. Nonlinearity allows the neural network to be a universal approximation; a continuously differentiable function is required for gradient-grounded optimization approaches, which is what allows the effective ago propagation of errors throughout the network.

Types of Activation Function

Sigmoid functions

Sigmoid functions are bounded, distinguishability., real functions that are outlined for all real input values, and have anon-negative derivation at each point.

The function produces outputs on a scale of (-1, 1) and it's a continual function. In other words, the function produces a product for every x value.

The softmax function is occasionally called the soft argmax function, or multi-class logistic retrogression. This is because the softmax is a conception of logistic retrogression that can be used for multi-class division, and its formula is veritably corresponding to the sigmoid function which is applied for logistic retrogression.

Rectified Linear activation function

The rectified linear activation function overcomes the evaporating grade problem, allowing models to learn briskly and perform better. The remedied direct activation is the dereliction activation when developing multilayer Perceptron and convolutional neural networks.

Rectified Linear Units (ReLU)

ReLU is the most generally utilized activation function in neural networks and The mathematical equation for ReLU is

ReLU (x) = max (0, x)


Tanh Activation function

Tanh Activation function is superior also to the Sigmoid Activation function because the range of this activation function is advanced than the sigmoid activation function. This is the significant difference between the Sigmoid and Tanh activation function. Rest functionality is identical to the sigmoid function like both can be employed on the feed-forward network.

Range-1 to 1


Here, we discuss about activation function in neural network and types of activation function.