AI506 Data Mining and Search

Basic Info

Location:  Seoul KCB Building 1, International Room
(students outside the Seoul campus are allowed to join online)

Time: Mon/Wed 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Instructor: Prof. Kijung Shin (신기정)

Course Webpage:

Schedule & Reading List

Slides will be uploaded at KLMS

AI506 Schedule (2024 Spring)

Assignments & Exams

Assignment 1 (Release on Mar 15, Due on Mar 29): description and template code

Assignment 2 (Release on Mar 29, Due on  April 12): description and template code

Take-home Midterm Exam (Release on April 12, Due on  April 19): problems

Assignment 3 (Release on May 3, Due on  May 17): description and template code

Take-home Final Exam (Release on June 7,  Due on  June 14): problems

Term Project

Release (Released on Mar 22): description, datasets, and template

Progress Report (Due: May 8)

Final Report (Due: May 31)

Presentation (Due: June 3 & June 5


Minyoung Choe (최민영)

minyoung.choe (AT)

Hyunjin Choo (주현진)

choo (AT)

Shinhwan Kang (강신환)

shinhwan.kang (AT)

Taehyung Kwon (권태형)

taehyung.kwon (AT)

Seokbeom Yoon (윤석범)

jing9044 (AT)