
Final Program 

14.00-14.10 Welcome and Opening Remarks - AI4DH Organizers UNIMORE, UNIMC, UNIVPM, POLITO

14.10-15.00 At the intersection of Computer Vision and Humanities: bridging the gap between the digitally obliged and the digitally curious - Alberto Del Bimbo, University of Florence (UNIFI) 

15.00-15.15 GeomEthics: ethical considerations about using Artificial Intelligence in geomatics - Ermanno Petrocchi, Simona Tiribelli, Marina Paolanti, Benedetta Giovanola, Emanuele Frontoni, and Roberto Pierdicca

15.15-15.30 Prompt me a Dataset: An investigation of text-image prompting for historical image dataset creation using foundation models - Hassan El-Hajj and Matteo Valleriani

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00-16.45 Protecting Cultural Property: Embracing a Holistic Approach to a Multifaceted Challenge - Dr. Dante Abate, Eratosthenes Center of Excellence, Cyprus

16.45-17.00 Artificial Intelligence in Art Generation: an Open Issue - Giuseppe Mazzola, Marco Carapezza, Antonio Chella and Diego Mantoan

17.00-17.15 A Deep Learning Approach for Painting Retrieval based on Genre Similarity - Tess Masclef, Mihaela Scuturici, Benjamin Bertin, Vincent Barrellon, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, and Serge Miguet

17.15-17.30 Examining the Robustness of an Ensemble Learning Model for Credibility Based Fake News Detection - Amit Neil Ramkissoon, Kris Manohar and Wayne Goodridge

17.30 Closing Remarks - Prof. Primo Zingaretti, Vice President CVPL, Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)