
Dr. Artem Polyvyanyy

Artificial Intelligence Meets Business Process Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Applications

In the past couple of centuries, humankind has achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life of the world’s population, in large due to important advancements in the automation of wealth-generating activities.

Business Process Management (BPM) studies concepts, methods, techniques, and tools that support and improve the way business processes are designed, performed, and analyzed in organizations, including workflow automation and control of business processes and decision-making practices.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), in turn, strives to automate natural intelligence exhibited by humans, including the perception of the environment, taking decisions and actions, and learning and problem-solving. In this keynote, the discussion will investigate how results in BPM can inform and improve solutions to the problems addressed in AI, and vice versa.

To exemplify potential synergies of the two fields, the keynote will present two concrete projects in the intersection of BPM and AI that Dr. Polyvyanyy is working on together with his colleagues and PhD students, namely applying the ideas from Process Mining, a subarea of BPM, to tackle the problems of Robotic Process Automation and Goal Recognition studied in AI.