Call for Participation & Submission Guidelines

AAMAS (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) is the largest and most influential conference in the area of agents and multiagent systems. AAMAS 2022 will be held virtually from May 9-13, 2022. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in all areas of agent technology and to provide a single, high-profile, internationally renowned forum for research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. AAMAS 2022 will have a diverse technical track, invited speakers, tutorials, and workshops, all selected according to the highest reviewing standards.

The goal of this workshop as part of the diversity and inclusion activities at AAMAS 2022 is to encourage the submission of papers (from undergraduates and first year graduate students) describing all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of intelligent systems for real-world problems in traditional sciences. Topics addressed in may include, but are not limited to:

  • Description and modelling of problems in real-world systems (in traditional sciences) using AI

  • Multi-disciplinary integration of techniques

  • Evaluation of impact on end users

  • Experiences in designing, developing, deploying and maintaining intelligent applications

  • User interface design, visualization and explanation generation for an AI application

  • Evaluation, testing and validation of intelligent systems

Paper submitted to this workshop will be evaluated separately by the diverse program committee members who are researchers with experience working on applications of AI in different fields of science. Criteria for evaluation includes (a few of them):

  • Importance of the application being addressed

  • Impact of the system on the end users

  • Significance of the technical solution and clarity

  • Applicability to the real-world domains considered in this workshop

  • Feasibility in the real-world practice

Author Guidelines and Submission Details:

We are following the submission guidelines of AAMAS 2022 except the maximum page limit is 4 pages (excluding citations). Submission must be a .pdf only. The template for AAMAS format can be found here:

Submission site: Click to submit

Important Dates:

April 8th, 2022 Full paper submissions due
April 22nd, 2022 Notification of Acceptance
May 9, 2022 Workshop

Please note that the reference time zone for all deadlines is the Eastern Time Zone (UTC-04:00).