
Focal applications used in the process

Face Detection

  • Identifying the presence of a person's face

  • Yes/No question

Face Recognition

  • Uses data to predict the person's identity

  • Face encoding: using data from a face's ratios to recognize someone

Path Planning

  • Creating a path from a start node to an end node

  • Efficiency is key


  • A* is an efficient path planning algorithm

  • Calculation based

Starting It Off

Here is the code we used to randomly generate where the robot and customers would be.

When we run the code, it presents us with the coordinates of our robot (the blue dot) and our customers (the red dot).

Using the KNN CLassifier

The KNN Classifier goes through the 'orders' folder to find an image of the person the robot needs to find and trains itself to recognize the image of the person. Once it's ready, the classifier goes through the 'customers' folder to find the person who ordered.

Found a match!

Our code recognized that customer 2 was Rey from the rey.jpg image file we provided in its training.

A* Algorithm

When we run the main function, it goes through the A* algorithm code to find an efficient path to get the robot to Rey.

The A* algorithm uses nodes (the gray dots) to calculate a path from the blue dot to the green dot.

Each image represents how the algorithm keeps finding better and more efficient nodes to compute the best path.