detecting AI 

How can you know if the piece of writing submitted by a student is not their original work? Well, essentially, your teacher's gut feeling tells you. There might be expressions that no student would ever use. Or perhaps the text is off-topic, dealing with the general theme, but not making complete sense or addressing the points given in the instructions. That's the time to check whether the text has been copied and pasted from somewhere else, or written by an AI bot.

The first video shows the process of writing a student's original work (or, at least, you can see how they typed the words, including typos).

The second video, however, illustrates what happens when text is pasted into the document:

*Bonus tip: do not underestimate good old Google Translate. I've had students confess they had simply written the text in Spanish and then run it through Google Translate. Banking on that admission, I have sometimes done the opposite process: I've asked Google Translate to translate a submitted piece of writing into Spanish. That helped me understand many of the inexplicable sentences or non-sensical punctuation marks.