AI on Chip 2023

Monday, May 8, 2023

Technion Sarona Campus, Tel Aviv
Azrieli Sarona Tower 29th Floor - Derech Menachem Begin 121, Tel Aviv


The AI on Chip workshop brings together researchers, engineers, and industry experts to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field of hardware for AI. 

The workshop will hold speakers from industry and academia discussing topics such as accelerators for data centers, accelerators for the edge, algorithms for hardware, and neuromorphic computing.

The 2023 AI on Chip workshop will be hosted at teh Technion Sarona Campus, Tel Aviv.

The recordings can be found here

There are public parking lots near the Sarona Campus. Details might be found here. Note that the campus is near HaShalom train station and therefore one may easily arrive by train.

The workshop is free of charge and open to all. However, registeration is required.



Organizing committee

Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky (Technion) and Prof. Raja Giryes (Tel Aviv University).