Project Artificial intelligence in fashion trend prediction (on going)
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, Shih-Yun Lu, Pei-jung Ho, The Aesthetics of Digital Clothes on Show Girls of Computex :the sign and Metaphor of ShowGirl LMI , 2022 KSBDA International Spring Conference and Exhibition, the Sangmyung University, Seoul Campus, Republic of Korea (South Korea) )
Journal Peter Ardhianto*, Wei-Her Hsieh , Soteria Adia Mahanaim, Chi-Hsiung Chen, Cross-Cultural Concepts in Cultural Product Design , Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, ATLANTIS PRESS, 0, 519, 146-149
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, MA Hann, Structure and Form in Design– A Workshop Presented to Undergraduate Fashion Students at Asia University (Taichung, Taiwan) , The 15th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks, Sanxia, Mainland China
Award-winning Winning the 12th Asia Network Beyond Design Exhibition Outstanding Works Award, Association of Asia Network Beyond Design, Japan
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, HISTORICAL REVIEW OF E-TEXTILE AND WEARABLE COMPUTER─APPLICATION QR-CODE ON THE SURFACE PATTERN DESIGN OF SOCKS , SOItmC & Riga Technical University 2017 Conference, Riga Technical University, Republic of Latvia
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, Basic Stage of Knitwear Design Process─the design process of textiles , 2017 KSBDA International Spring Conference, Seoul City University, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, QR Code graphics application and design on fabrics and goods , 2016 Innovative Invention Application and the 24th Fuzzy Theory and Its Application Symposium, Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Taichung, Republic of China, 104-145
Award-winning 2016 Red Dot Design Finalist , Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, Federal Republic of Germany
Award-winning The 9th Asia Network Beyond Design , Association of Asia Network Beyond Design, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Seminar Wei-Her Hsieh *, The Evolution of Apparel Manufacturing Textile Production Processes-Historical Background , 2015 KSBDA International Fall Conference, Sookmyung Women's University, Islamic State of Afghanistan, 421-424
Journal Wei-Her Hsieh *, The formal beauty of Monrian's "Red, Blue and Yellow Composition", Aesthetic Education Bimonthly, National Taiwan Art Education Center, 0, 205, 13-20
Journal Wei-Her Hsieh *, Content Analysis of the Use of 3D Animation Lenses in Pixar Short Films , Art Criticism, Taipei National University of the Arts, 0, 26, 1-23
Special Book Wei-Her Hsieh *, E-Textile and Wearable Technology: A Critical Review , Wagner Publishing Co.,Ltd, ISBN: 978-986-362-052-5
Journal Wei-Her Hsieh *, Patent Enforcement Strategies in the United States: An Integrative Framework , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights , 0, 18, 55-66