RQ1: What are the advantages and limitations of Isaac Sim compared to other physical simulators?

Although Isaac Sim is recognized for its seamless integration with NVIDIA hardware, the requirements and challenges in simulating robotics manipulations are diverse and often dependent on the tasks. In the field of robotics, there are numerous physical simulators, such as Gazebo, PyBullet, and Mujoco, that have been widely used by researchers and practitioners to meet their specific demands. As a novel simulation platform that is still in its developmental stages, there is a need for an analysis of the strengths and limitations of Isaac Sim compared to other physical simulators, as well as its performance in simulating various robotics tasks.

Therefore, to study RQ1, we conducted a survey with industrial and academic practitioners around the world to gather their comments on the advantages and limitations of Isaac Sim as compared to other physical simulators. The purpose of the survey is to gain insights into the unique features and benefits of Isaac Sim that may make it stand out from other simulators, as well as to identify any potential drawbacks or areas where improvements could be made.

Survey Design

The survey consists of three question types: short-answer, multiple-choice, and Likert scale questions. The Likert scale questions ask respondents to indicate their level of agreement with statements such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, and I don't know.

The survey consists of five parts:

We also provide an open-ended question at the end of the survey, inviting practitioners to share their opinions and comments about Isaac Sim in the context of robotics and DRL development.

Participant Recruitment

We recruited practitioners through two methods: email contact and forum recruitment.

In total, we received 17 responses from nine different countries. Details about the information of the respondents are shown in the following figure.

Result Analysis and Findings

The following figures present the survey results. 

Conclusively, numerous participants have pointed out the lack of a clear pipeline for DRL and robotics development in the current version of Isaac Sim. Notably, many responses indicate that users face challenges in initiating their development process due to insufficient instructions and documentation. Moreover, the absence of a baseline for comparison and calibration poses difficulties for developers who lack guidance and standards to assess their progress accurately. Therefore, we consider an AI-enabled robotics manipulation benchmark can greatly benefit practitioners in the following aspects: 1) an easy-to-use development playground and pipeline; 2) a standard baseline for observation and comparison;  and 3) an extensible and applicable environment for quick demonstration and prototyping.

More Results

The following figures present the survey results.