CEO Comments

Its been a long time coming. With over 30 years in the scientific research sector in one form or another, I had developed a lot of skills. Those in applied physics experimental reseach were good. However, what I didn't realise back in 2019 was how much the bad things had effected me. From the vicious hateful politics, to the them and us battles. The fact that those who got more gave less, from those who sulked refusing to work so sat in an office with management. Then those who did not deliver. There were even those who would provide fake process information to ensure they looked better.

On top of this there is the cruel university system, which is probably a huge shock to people. There is the bullying, the impossibility for non academic staff to get promotion. The intimate workplace relations where the academics "forget"  to do their job while using offices and anywhere else they can find to be doing other things. The fact that they run lab systems that have the potential to kill and are illegal but openly state they are above the law. 

You may question what this has to do with anything. This is why i should have left in 2019, but the arrival of COVID meant i stayed out of duty to the role, and that spiraled me to dark places with a brain hanging on by a neuron and no one there to help me come back or listen.

Coming from this, probably more out of personal therapy and something to cling to, was the setup of this company. I viewed as a thing to do, a way to cling on and learn AI a bit more. The shop and designs were something to put passion into. I strongly want them to represent feelings but to keep that element of science and technology.

What we hope is you come with us on this new journey.