
Navigation Menu: The base.html file was enhanced with Bootstrap 5 for styling and responsive navigation. The latest Bootstrap CDN was applied after an initial error. A jQuery-based solution was initially proposed for a broken menu tab, but an alternative was sought.


User Profile: The profile.html page now features a Bootstrap 5 card style for items content. The user profile information and won auctions are neatly organized within a Bootstrap container for proper alignment. Each won auction item is displayed within its own Bootstrap card, showcasing the title and details effectively.

Create a Item: In the create_item.html page, the card's width was adjusted by modifying Bootstrap grid classes. Specifically, the column classes were updated to col-lg-6 for large screens and col-md-8 for medium screens. This adjustment ensures a better fit for the description input box within the card.

Item Detail: The item's details can be further inspected and get a clearer picture within the item detail page shown here. It contains information about the item and actionable buttons. The image will always fit within the same aspect ratio without being stretched.

Login & Register: In both the login.html and register.html pages, a full-height container was added to center the content vertically. The Bootstrap Card component was utilized to encapsulate the forms, providing a structured layout. Form fields were customized using Bootstrap classes, and this was achieved without the need for django-crispy-forms. This approach ensures a clean and consistent design for user interaction.

Home :
The content is styled within a Bootstrap 5 card, creating a visually appealing and organized layout. A text-light class is applied to ensure legibility on a dark background, enhancing the overall readability of the content. Bootstrap 5 classes are utilized for buttons and elements, providing a consistent and modern design throughout the webpage.

Admin Panel:
The admin panel offers a lot of functionality and allows you to make changes to users, items, bids, etc given the right permissions.