

Our capstone project is set to push the boundaries of AI language models in the realm of web development to create an innovative auction website. Leveraging AI technologies, we aim to explore the capabilities of these language models in generating not only the textual content but also the underlying structure and design elements of a fully functional auction platform. This project is driven by the desire to investigate the extent to which AI can automate development processes and streamline the creation of complex websites. 

Our project's scope encompasses the entire development lifecycle, from conceptualization and design to implementation and evaluation. We will harness AI language models to generate code, content, and design components, and in the end, we hope for a complete website. Throughout this capstone project, we will rigorously test the boundaries of AI capabilities, identify challenges, and offer insights into the potentials and limitations of using AI for web development. This project not only promises an innovative auction website but also contributes valuable knowledge to the growing field of AI assisted work, paving the way for future advancements in the field. 

Significant progress has been made towards the AI generated auction website. The AI model has needed significant guidance from the developers. However, the code is 100% generated by the AI model including the setup of the development environment and networking challenges. As of the second milestone a basic front end implementation is in place and most backend functionality is working correctly. 

Areas to improve include:

Fix minor UI bugs

Currently menu tab doesn’t collapse​ for mobile

Listing cards are currently sized based on uploaded image size​, needs scaling

Users can still bid on and buy items from expired listing, more checks needed