2023-2024 Board Members

Chris Williams, Chair

Tricia Clarke, 2nd Chair (Membership)

Mario Johnson, Treasurer

Nikki Lee, PTSA  Liaison

Board Responsibilities

The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership with full voting privileges. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all

committees except the nominating committee and shall assist in appointing committee chairmen to all committees not otherwise provided by these Bylaws. The Chair shall perform all other duties usually assigned to the office.

The 1st Co-chair shall assume the duties of the Chair at any time the Chair is unable to attend to the duties of the office. The 1st Co-chair will assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties. The 1st Co-chair will assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties when needed, help organize and oversee all fundraisers, with the Executive Board’s approval, for PBSA programming and fundraisers for the AHS Black students.

The 2nd Co-chair will be responsible for signing up parent PBSA members, maintaining current membership records, and arranging for parent volunteers for PBSA events/activities throughout the year, and compiling a PBSA member directory if the Executive Board chooses to do one. 

The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of and be responsible for all funds, securities, valuable papers, and the financial records of the organization. The Treasurer shall maintain the appropriate books and records of the organization. The treasurer shall make a financial report periodically, including an end of the year full financial report. The 

Financial Secretary shall assist the treasurer in the care and custody of all funds, securities, valuable papers, and the financial records of the organization. The Financial Secretary shall assist the Treasurer in maintaining the appropriate books and records of the organization. The Financial Secretary shall make a financial report periodically, including an end of the year full financial report if the treasurer is unable to do so.

The Secretary shall prepare and maintain minutes of all meetings of the membership and the executive board, give advance notice of all meetings of the membership, conduct the  correspondence of the organization, communicate important information by telephone and/or email to membership, and maintain files therein.

The Social Media Coordinator shall be in charge of advertising PBSA events, parent newsletters when necessary, and forming a committee to assist when needed. This officer is responsible for promoting a positive image of the PBSA to the public, using photographs when at all possible.

The PTSA Liaison shall attend regularly scheduled PTSA meetings and represent PBSA needs within the PTSA. The Liaison shall share PTSA updates to the Executive Board and general membership of PBSA.