Information Day

 If you would like to get to know me and find out what I'm like as a teacher, watch the video below.  If you would like more practical information, like required books and supplies, see the introduction to your class underneath the video.

Greetings from Mrs.mp4

Introduction to American Literature with Mrs. Oliver


Teacher Biography

I attended Georgia State University and received a Bachelor's in English with a concentration in Rhetoric and Composition (2004) and a Master's in English Education (2006). I have been working for Fulton County Schools since 2006, including seven years at Tri-Cities High School, before becoming a faculty member of Alpharetta High School in 2013.


Supplementary Texts:  Novels and Major Works

We may not study every work listed here, but we will cover as many as time allows.  Price of these texts varies by work, but most run $10-$15 each. All books may be borrowed or accessed online if you choose.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby

Hurston, Zora Neal.  Their Eyes Were Watching God

Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible

Other literature circle choices (selected by students/teacher at a later date)


Required Supplies

Dedicated folder with an organizational method (pockets on the side and rings or prongs in the center)

You know, paper, pens, and all that jazz

Charged FCS issued device


Suggested Supplies

Notebook (any color or pattern you want)

Post-its:  If you are borrowing books, you will find post-its quite useful

Highlighters:  If you are buying books, you will find highlighters quite useful