Paper and Articles
The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a system based on brainwaves that can be used to translate and comprehend the innumerable activities of the brain. Brainwave refers to the bioelectric impulses invariably produced in the human brain during neurotransmission, often measured as the action potential. Moreover, BCI essentially uses the widely studied Electroencephalography (EEG) technique to capture brainwave data. Paralysis generally occurs when there is a disturbance in the central nervous system prompted by a neurodegenerative or unforeseen event. To overcome the obstacles associated with paralysis, this paper on the brainwave-assistive system is based on the BCI incorporated with Internet-of-things. BCI can be implemented to achieve control over external devices and applications. For instance, the process of cursor control, motor control, neuroprosthetics and wheelchair control, etc. In this paper, the OpenBCI Cyton-biosensing board has been used for the collection of the EEG data. The accumulated EEG data is executed subsequently to obtain control over the respective systems in real-time. Hence, it can be concluded that the experiments of the paper support the idea of controlling an interfaced system through the real-time application of EEG data

For my final presentation for SOC course, I worked on APT group Lazarus
Security Trends and Issues Paper Write-up

During my 2nd semester, for the midterm, I had to write a paper for Selection of Vendor and Based on Various Criteria

For the Final Project, our group worked on analysis of Sony's PlayStation Network Hack. And wrote an analysis paper based on the finding using CIS Control Framework and provided recommendations.

This was the final project presentation for the final report.

In the Security Trends and Issues, my group mate and me worked on case study for TJX Data Breach.