122E400 Project Outputs (TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001)
The Design of High Awareness and Artificial Intelligence Based Numerology Assignment Algorithms for 6G
M. Furkan Özer, Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan, "ML-Based Dynamic Network Switching Framework for Non-Terrestrial Networks in 5G and Beyond", Datasets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GX-MBQJl1NGERNTPE6mLMGxL0Fa3q0Z7
Journal Papers:
Halenur Sazak and Ahmet Yazar, "Environment-Aware Intelligent Numerology Control Approach for 5G and Beyond Systems", International Journal of Communication Systems, 37(9), 1-10, June 2024. DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.5768
Ayça Hançer and Ahmet Yazar, "Waveform Decision Method with Machine Learning for 5G Uplink Communications", International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 15(2), 820-827, July 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.29137/umagd.1298404
Hakan Alp Eren, Nihat Adar and Ahmet Yazar, "Vehicle-to-Everything Communications Standard Selection Under Different Intelligent Transportation Scenarios with Artificial Learning", Journal of Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications, 6(1), 67-74, Mar. 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.38016/jista.1189314
Conference Papers:
Hüsne Şahan, Yusuf İslam Demir, Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan, "Adaptive Switching Method for 5G Grant-Free URLLC Scheduling", International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA), İstanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2024.
Yusuf İslam Demir, Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan, "Multidimensional Performance Analysis of 3GPP 5G Numerology Groupings", IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU), Mersin, Turkey, May 15-18, 2024.
Hakan Alp Eren, Nihat Adar and Ahmet Yazar, "The Importance of Experience Replay Buffer Size in Deep Reinforcement Learning", International Congress on Engineering, Architecture and Design (MMT), Virtual Conference, Dec. 23-25, 2023.
Umut Altunan, Halenur Sazak and Ahmet Yazar, "ML-Based Service Type Priority Decision Method Using Ambient Information for 5GB", International Conference on Smart Communications and Networking (SmartNets), İstanbul, Turkey, July 25-27, 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/SmartNets58706.2023.10215712
Ömer Sokmaz and Ahmet Yazar, "C-V2X Link Decision With Machine Learning", International Conference on Smart Communications and Networking (SmartNets), İstanbul, Turkey, July 25-27, 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/SmartNets58706.2023.10215916
Halenur Sazak and Ahmet Yazar, "Ambient Aware User-Numerology Association for 5G and Beyond", IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU), İstanbul, Turkey, July 5-8, 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU59756.2023.10223774
Ayça Hançer and Ahmet Yazar, "Multi-Carrier and Single-Carrier Waveform Decision Method in Non-Terrestrial Networks", IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU), İstanbul, Turkey, July 5-8, 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU59756.2023.10224058
National Patent Applications:
Ahmet Yazar, Abdulkadir Sönmezışık, Metehan Doğan and Emre Kart, "5G ve Sonrası İletim Noktaları İçin Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Radyo Spektrumu Tavsiyesi Karar Yöntemi", National Patent Application No: 2023/015803.
Muhammet Furkan Özer, Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan, "5G ve Sonrası İçin Bölge Tabanlı Karasal Olmayan Ağ Kullanım Kararı ve Platform Seçimi Yaptırılması Yöntemi", National Patent Application No: 2023/015798.
Muhammet Furkan Özer, Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan, "5G ve Sonrası İçin Karasal ve Karasal Olmayan Ağlara Yönelik Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Link Kararı Yöntemi", National Patent Application No: 2023/010177.
Ömer Sokmaz and Ahmet Yazar, "Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Olarak Hücresel Araçtan Her Şeye (C-V2X) Haberleşme Linki Karar Yöntemi", National Patent Application No: 2023/009709.
Halenur Sazak and Ahmet Yazar, "5G ve Sonrası için Ortam Farkında Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Numeroloji Karar Sistemi", National Patent Application No: 2023/005204.